Friday, February 17, 2017

Soul Tree Collective, I

March 31st-April 1, 2017

Getting to know the “Soul Tree Collective” by Melodi Tyson

It’s your girl, Mimi, and there is absolutely nothing like listening to good music.  Imagine with me… Soul Train meets the incredible music scene we know and love in Austin, Texas.  I’m talking about Love, Peace, and a whole lot of soul!
Music lovers it’s time to embrace an awesome group of soul-filled youth on the scene ranging from ages 10 to 18.   You will enjoy and totally groove with the kids known as the “Soul Tree Collective.”  Before I met the members, I was wondering what exactly Soul Tree Collective was.   I learned from Swift, one of the organizers, that Soul Tree Collective is a nonprofit Texas company that supports the musical endeavors of young students in the Travis and Williamson Counties. Soul Tree Collective is dedicated to keeping Classic Soul and R&B music alive in Texas. 
These hard-working kids definitely have a whole lot of love for soul and R&B music.  Witnessing their hard work made me realize that music has truly influenced our generation to live in peace and harmony with each other. 

Austin Urban Music Festival

A blog for:

“Soul Tree Collective”


The kids!


The sound!


The talent!


The inspiration!

Melodi Tyson

Soul Tree Collective’s, practice dance floor flows with professionalism and dedication. During this choreography session, the music was booming. Within a few minutes, you feel exactly where they are coming from; a place of deep love for soul music. 

We tend to connect with groups that can properly execute familiar songs, often recalling the first time we enjoyed the rhythm or the lyrics.  During rehearsal, I noticed that the group rehearsed several vibrant songs, adding their own hip flavor. When these kids blend their unique sound with the songs of yesterday that we know and love, it was pure magic! 

We thought the readers would want to know that they dedicate four hours every Saturday to intense rehearsals.  This totally looks like fun, but each member remains focused.  I asked each about their motivation. Collectively they basically said they loved the music their parents loved, R & B and soul music.  They also felt this genre of music communicated “love” and a positive message that transcends all audiences.

I now want to introduce you to Jayden, Joshua, Kameron, Kya, Kylie, Leslie, and Taj members of Soul Tree Collective (2017). 

Let’s get to know Soul Tree Collective:

Is it hard to perform in front of a lot of people?
Kameron: No, I’ve been doing this a long time.
Leslie: At first, but it becomes easy.
Taj: Sometimes I get nervous, but I actually like to be in big crowds. 
For kids that are kind of shy like me, what advice do you have for them?
Jayden:  Just show the audience who you are, be yourself.
Joshua:  For kids who are shy, practice in front of family and remember you’ve got to break out of your comfort zone in this business. 
Kya: Just be yourself.
What instruments do you play?
Joshua: Oh, I play the piano, drums, and I’m learning to play the guitar.
Kameron:  I play the drums.
Other than Soul Tree Collective do you have any other projects you are working on now?
Kylie:  I’m currently doing some voiceover work for a cartoon called “Heaven’s Adventures.” I play the character, “Heaven.”
Most of the group chimed in on this question. So how long have you been singing?
Jayden:  All my life.
Taj: Since I was 4.
Joshua: I started to kind of help out with a family situation.  But, I’ve been singing since I was 6 years old.
Leslie: Singing? Since I was about a year old.
Kylie:  I started singing when I was 7 years old.
Twitter  Kyliegirl414
Do you have a stage name?
Kya:  I go by Kya Monee.
Jayden: Legit Cool Kid.
Taj: Superman
Kameron: Ms. K.
Joshua: King Bakes
Leslie: I use my name, Leslie
Kylie: Kylie P.
Wanna keep in touch with members:
Soul Tree Collective
Kya Monee’
Taj Johnson
Kya Monee’
Youtube@JoshuaB Soul Singer

Well, there you have it Austin Urban Music Festival lovers.  This is an awesome group that has worked with some of the most vibrant performers like, TreeG and the Peterson Brothers. These two performers have thrived after their Soul Tree Collective days.  You can expect great things from each of these young performers.  Get ready to dance, move, and groove to with the Soul Tree Collective. That’s What’s UP!