Monday, March 20, 2017

Soul Tree Collective III

Getting to know the “Soul Tree Collective”   
by Melodi Tyson

It’s your girl, Mimi, I have been having an amazing time with members of Soul Tree collective.  I am so excited about the Austin Urban Music Festival.  I can't wait to see The Soul Tree Collective performances!  I know it's going to be amazing!  

 This blog is jam packed with the 4-1-1 about Mr. Homer Hill, the organizer of the Austin Urban Music Festival.   Just a little spoiler... I learned that he is also the original organizer of the Soul Tree Collective. 

Also, I want to introduce you all to the group's lead guitar player,... He was so cool and truly brings a diverse flavor to the group with his jammin' strings from Detroit, MI.  I also learned he has "The Blues" in his blood.  He is truly part of the "Soul" in the Soul Tree Collective.  

Lastly, I interviewed Leslie and photographed her receiving instruction from Austin's very own, "D-Soul."  Yes, he stopped by to support the youth and to offer instruction on how to improve the group's stage presence as a group and individually.   Leslie, who is 14, had some awesome music on her headphones; no county music though.  

Well, let me give you the highlights of my interviews.   

   D-soul and Leslie at the mic.


I truly hear the earth moving under my feet as I approach the practice room doors.  The bass was booming!  Prior to opening the doors, Mista Swift gave me a high five and a thumbs up about my previous blog so, I'm feeling pretty good entering the practice area.  As soon as I open the door, I see Soul Tree Collective moving and grooving.  Onlookers, mostly parents, are checking the group out and tapping their feet and cheering the youth on.  

The next thing we hear is D-Soul giving some pointers about how the performers should move  and show some stage performance type emotion.  He states, "Come on y'all! I really need you to make the audience connect with you... You've gotta feel what you singing.  Make me believe you!  You gotta move into this... make me wanna move with you... let me show you!"  All eyes turn to him and the group is mesmerized and taking notes.  This was a treat for the group because he had a performance later than evening that he was preparing for.  The thing I'm learning about this group is that they are aiming for perfection.  Sending a huge "Thanks"to D-Soul for sharing his time and talents with us!        

On a break I interviewed Mr. Eddie Burns Jr.!  He was amazing and is the guitarist for Soul Tree Collective.   When asked about his inspiration, he said his father, Eddie Burns Sr. (a Blues Guitarist), was his biggest inspiration as well as George Benson and Jonathan Nelson.  He loves music and told me that he actually started out playing in the group by substituting for his son (Eddie III) while he prepared to go to college.  Mr. Burns also shared that he can play the bass and the drums.  He described that the group was kind of like a magnet for him after meeting Mr. Swift.  He's was attracted to the positive energy of Soul Tree Collective.   He also likes the youth mentorship, musician commodore, and performance aspects of the group.  Mr. Burns has been with Soul Tree Collective for several years now and is truly a musician at heart. He's got Soul y'all!

Moving on to my second interview.  Mr. Hill took a couple phone calls in between our interview, but he was so friendly and encouraging to me.   You might know him as the face of Mr. Catfish; whoops, I just made myself hungry. LOL!  Although we did not feast on any vittles during the interview,  he advised that he has helped his nephew with the Mr. Catfish Restaurant for several years.   
Mr. Hill was patient and polite and posed for a picture with me.  


 I might be nine, but I realize that business people have to handle their business.  Mr. Hill is definitely a business man. He told me that it takes about a year to plan the Austin Urban Music Festival.   Prior to the interview, I saw him conduct a meeting, handle phone calls, distribute tickets, and then devote some of his time and attention to me so that I could give you the 4-1-1. 
Lastly, I interviewed the talented Leslie.  

My girl Leslie was rocking the mic prior to our interview and advised that she was in the 8th grade. Leslie told me that she really likes performing as a solo artist and with Soul Tree Collective; she really did not have a performance preference.  In her down time, Leslie can be found playing her favorite games Mine Craft or the Star Wars games.

Okay!  Get ready to dance, move, and groove with the Soul Tree Collective on March 31st and April 1st (2017).  I'm very certain that you will have the best time ever!  That’s What’s UP!   
Love Mimi                                                                                                                                               

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