Saturday, April 1, 2017

Soul Tree Collective IV

March 31st-April 1, 2017

ATX Final 4 Edition “Soul Tree Collective” by Melodi Tyson

It’s your girl, Mimi, and there is so much to tell you; where do I begin? Okay… Auditorium Shores was on Fiya tonight!!!!! 

 But, before I talk about the Austin Urban Music Festival, I've got to tell you about the Soul Tree Collective Block Party on March 30, 2017.  It was super fun!  Soul Tree Collective hosted a block party with Black Pride of Austin in the backyard of the Austin Visitor's Multipurpose Center (The Yellow House on 11th Street), just about a half block from Franklin's BBQ. 

Soul Tree Collective’s Dynamic Soul set proved to be a real crowd pleaser.  The crowd was treated to a catered meal, Art, vendors, and health information.  The atmosphere was pleasant and the food was great! 
I know many are glued to the TV this weekend watching the NCAA Final Four basketball series.  Additionally, thousands have traveled to Austin to watch notorious athletes compete in track and field events at the Texas Relays. But, Austin's Urban Music Festival fans really canvased Auditorium Shores in a beautiful way tonight! 
I just witnessed my first concert and it was amazing!  The entire evening threaded into a beautiful nightlight concert that was perfect… not too hot, not too cold- a perfect night!   The stars glittered across the Texas sky and my ears heard enough bass to send your body into an uncontrollable hip swinging wiggle.  To me, this is exactly what Prince meant when he described this familiar phrase, "partying like it was 1999." I saw both the young and young at heart jamming to the opening acts, each act building momentum for the act to follow.   
Music lovers heard several groups tonight.  I overheard from organizers that that several local talented groups were going to ignite the evening.  Everyone did a great job and gave the crowd a triple punch of harmony, tempo, and soul!  
I've got to give you my top 4 for the night! 

Soul Tree Collective's Soul Dynamics did their thing tonight.  They started their set with EnVogue's "Free your mind" and ended it with Tina' Marie's "Square Biz!"  Hands down these talented Youth did their thing and the crowd chimed in with roars of screams, whistles, and claps.  Sending a shout out to Jayden, Joshua, Kameron, Kya, Kylie, Leslie, and Taj. 
LaToya Luckett gave the crowd an enjoyable music assortment of ballads. She also took the time to pose for a picture.  Shout out to Andre and members of his singing group who provided background vocals for Ms. Luckett.
The next artist I enjoyed was, MC Lyte.  MCLyte  got down with the "get down" and helped many fans loosen up.  She rocked the mic until the sun set and soon MC Lyte was the light that kept the crowd moving and grooving.  I'll have to be honest and just say that her music was easy to dance to and I see why people were up on their feet!  She brought the house down!
Lastly, Tony, Toni, Toné brought the house down.  Soul Dynamics got to participate on stage with the best band ever.  If a picture is worth a thousand words, I think this is worth about two thousand.

I must say I really enjoyed how each member took the time to sign autographs and just be totally awesome to their fans.
Well, there you have it Austin Urban Music Festival lovers.    Get ready to dance, move, and groove to with the Soul Tree Collective tonight. That’s What’s UP!

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