Sunday, June 25, 2017

Soul Tree Collective VI


A celebration with Soul

by Melodi Tyson

It’s your girl, Mimi and I am trying to keep up with Soul Tree Collective’s Dynamic Soul. 

This past weekend many people celebrated Juneteenth.  Just as I told you in my last blog, Dynamic Soul was right in the mix.   I found out that some of the members had three (3) performances last Saturday! These kids are amazing!

Two (2) of the members of Soul Tree Collective, Kylie and Leslie, paused between sets to tell me what Juneteenth meant to them.  Leslie and Kylie both agree that this celebration means “Freedom.”  Kylie also added that Juneteenth means “independence” for her.

On Friday, June 23, 2017, Dynamic Soul performed at Kenny Dorham’s backyard on 11th Street.  Video clips can be found on the following Facebook page.  Here is the link:

This upcoming week is another dynamite week for the band.  Please see the flyer below and come out to support the group. 


 If you know of any youth between the ages of 10 and 18 that are interested in becoming a part of Soul Tree Collective, please inquire at

Well, friends get ready to dance, move, and groove to with the Soul Tree Collective. That’s What’s UP!  

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