Friday, June 30, 2017

Soul Tree Collective VII- Finale

A Soul-filled review of Soul Tree Collective and Dynamic Soul.

by Melodi Tyson

                        (pictured above, Leslie, Taj, Kylie P., Jayden, Kameron, Kya, and Joshua)
Hey everybody, it's your girl Mimi and it appears this season with Soul Tree Collective (STC) has ended with a huge bass drum "Boom!"  Dynamic Soul definitely has dropped the mic!  (Whoo!!!!)  We know summer is a time of fun in the sun for kids and family so before we all scatter, I wanted to showcase this group once more.  Everyone is amazing and you can expect big things from each of them in the future! 
Let me just say, being the youth blogger for STC has been an awesome experience for me.  Thank you very much for embracing a young, shy, blogger.  Looks like I've made a over a thousand new friends via social media.   I think you all have convinced me to think a little more about what a journalist does and how to keep readers interested.  I really appreciate this opportunity to connect with STC's supporters.  Many of you probably don't know this, but I just started blogging for the group about three months ago! 
Since I'm not a singer, I've tried to get behind the scenes for you, the readers, to show you just how dynamic these guys are.  Here we go! 
First let, me say, Leslie, Kylie P., and Kya are amazing artists!  This past Wednesday at Bahadi's in Pflugerville, each member got an opportunity to showcase their artistry and singing abilities individually.  Kya did her thing with Drake's "Hot Line Bling!"   It was awesome!!!
                              Young and young at heart were grooving along with all of the performers.
Kylie P. kept the crowd jumping with her charming - power house vocals!  It is simply amazing to me how she establishes a connection with the audience and keeps the crowd hype.  She showcased an original selection that had everybody rock'n out!

Okay Joshua is an extreme force of nature and he sure can dance!  At Bahadi's, Joshua was 1st to perform at we jammed along with him as he sang Khalid's "Location!"  Yeah!!!!  He was great!!!!
(Taj and Kyle Turner)     
Taj and Jayden gave phenomenal performances at Bahadi's and had me and my friend, Brookelyn, snapping our fingers and sharing giggles with our peers who were excited to share in the family-fun experience!  I can totally see sold out concerts in the future for all of the members of STC's Dynamic Soul.

Kameron is the group's drummer and she can really rock the house.  Kameron was at Bahadi's and although she didn't get an opportunity to perform live she was observed supporting all members as they showcased their moves and vocals!

Okay, before I let you guys go, as a blogger for STC, I've been blessed to be in the company of so many talented artists such as T'asia Williams and Dani Washington.  (Ms. Dani gave me her CD.)  I forgot to mention them in my Juneteenth blog for STC.  They were so excited to hear about the members of Dynamic Soul and hope their journey somehow inspires younger artists.
Well, the summer is here and it's time for flights, family reunions, card games, and beaches!  Who is ready for some fun in the sun?  I better go find a good spot and run like the wind.  I'm not ready for school to start... just yet!

So, if you or another youth you know really could benefit from the guidance of devoted members of this group, please contact  Please fill out the questionnaire.  It's that simple!

There you have it, another close glimpse of STC and Dynamic Soul as they end the year.  Have a fantastic summer!  You can always contact me directly at              

1 comment:

  1. You are doing it well MiMi! I love how you are so expressive!!!! Thanks for keeping us all posted up, with this Soul tree collection! You are such a talented narrator! Keep up the great work! Much love, Auntie K!!!!
