Friday, June 30, 2017

Soul Tree Collective VII- Finale

A Soul-filled review of Soul Tree Collective and Dynamic Soul.

by Melodi Tyson

                        (pictured above, Leslie, Taj, Kylie P., Jayden, Kameron, Kya, and Joshua)
Hey everybody, it's your girl Mimi and it appears this season with Soul Tree Collective (STC) has ended with a huge bass drum "Boom!"  Dynamic Soul definitely has dropped the mic!  (Whoo!!!!)  We know summer is a time of fun in the sun for kids and family so before we all scatter, I wanted to showcase this group once more.  Everyone is amazing and you can expect big things from each of them in the future! 
Let me just say, being the youth blogger for STC has been an awesome experience for me.  Thank you very much for embracing a young, shy, blogger.  Looks like I've made a over a thousand new friends via social media.   I think you all have convinced me to think a little more about what a journalist does and how to keep readers interested.  I really appreciate this opportunity to connect with STC's supporters.  Many of you probably don't know this, but I just started blogging for the group about three months ago! 
Since I'm not a singer, I've tried to get behind the scenes for you, the readers, to show you just how dynamic these guys are.  Here we go! 
First let, me say, Leslie, Kylie P., and Kya are amazing artists!  This past Wednesday at Bahadi's in Pflugerville, each member got an opportunity to showcase their artistry and singing abilities individually.  Kya did her thing with Drake's "Hot Line Bling!"   It was awesome!!!
                              Young and young at heart were grooving along with all of the performers.
Kylie P. kept the crowd jumping with her charming - power house vocals!  It is simply amazing to me how she establishes a connection with the audience and keeps the crowd hype.  She showcased an original selection that had everybody rock'n out!

Okay Joshua is an extreme force of nature and he sure can dance!  At Bahadi's, Joshua was 1st to perform at we jammed along with him as he sang Khalid's "Location!"  Yeah!!!!  He was great!!!!
(Taj and Kyle Turner)     
Taj and Jayden gave phenomenal performances at Bahadi's and had me and my friend, Brookelyn, snapping our fingers and sharing giggles with our peers who were excited to share in the family-fun experience!  I can totally see sold out concerts in the future for all of the members of STC's Dynamic Soul.

Kameron is the group's drummer and she can really rock the house.  Kameron was at Bahadi's and although she didn't get an opportunity to perform live she was observed supporting all members as they showcased their moves and vocals!

Okay, before I let you guys go, as a blogger for STC, I've been blessed to be in the company of so many talented artists such as T'asia Williams and Dani Washington.  (Ms. Dani gave me her CD.)  I forgot to mention them in my Juneteenth blog for STC.  They were so excited to hear about the members of Dynamic Soul and hope their journey somehow inspires younger artists.
Well, the summer is here and it's time for flights, family reunions, card games, and beaches!  Who is ready for some fun in the sun?  I better go find a good spot and run like the wind.  I'm not ready for school to start... just yet!

So, if you or another youth you know really could benefit from the guidance of devoted members of this group, please contact  Please fill out the questionnaire.  It's that simple!

There you have it, another close glimpse of STC and Dynamic Soul as they end the year.  Have a fantastic summer!  You can always contact me directly at              

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Soul Tree Collective VI


A celebration with Soul

by Melodi Tyson

It’s your girl, Mimi and I am trying to keep up with Soul Tree Collective’s Dynamic Soul. 

This past weekend many people celebrated Juneteenth.  Just as I told you in my last blog, Dynamic Soul was right in the mix.   I found out that some of the members had three (3) performances last Saturday! These kids are amazing!

Two (2) of the members of Soul Tree Collective, Kylie and Leslie, paused between sets to tell me what Juneteenth meant to them.  Leslie and Kylie both agree that this celebration means “Freedom.”  Kylie also added that Juneteenth means “independence” for her.

On Friday, June 23, 2017, Dynamic Soul performed at Kenny Dorham’s backyard on 11th Street.  Video clips can be found on the following Facebook page.  Here is the link:

This upcoming week is another dynamite week for the band.  Please see the flyer below and come out to support the group. 


 If you know of any youth between the ages of 10 and 18 that are interested in becoming a part of Soul Tree Collective, please inquire at

Well, friends get ready to dance, move, and groove to with the Soul Tree Collective. That’s What’s UP!  

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Soul Tree Collective - V

It's been a minute, but your girl Mimi is back.  What an awesome weekend for Soul Tree Collective!   What an awesome weekend for everyone who celebrates Juneteenth.  What is Juneteenth Mimi? I'm really glad you asked.

Juneteenth, also known as Juneteenth Independence Day or Freedom Day, is a holiday that commemorates the June 19, 1865 announcement of the abolition of slavery in Texas, and more generally the emancipation of African-American slaves throughout the Confederate South. Celebrated on June 19, the word is a combination of "June" and "nineteenth". Juneteenth is recognized as a state holiday or special day of observance in most states. (reference

Soul Tree Collective group is performing Saturday, June 17th at 2 p.m. at the Austin Juneteenth celebration at George Washington Carver Museum and Cultural Center with live music and food, games and indoor and outdoor activities. 

The celebration continues on June 17th at the 9th annual Round Rock Rhythm and Ribs Festival with opening ceremonies at 3:00 p.m.  The barbeque cook-off winners will be announced at 4:00 p.m.

The entertainment on this Saturday kicks off at 5:30 p.m. with Soul Tree Collective.  There will also be a health fair, moonwalks, clowns, games, food, retail vendors and much, much more!

Hope to see you there!

Love Mimi

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Soul Tree Collective IV

March 31st-April 1, 2017

ATX Final 4 Edition “Soul Tree Collective” by Melodi Tyson

It’s your girl, Mimi, and there is so much to tell you; where do I begin? Okay… Auditorium Shores was on Fiya tonight!!!!! 

 But, before I talk about the Austin Urban Music Festival, I've got to tell you about the Soul Tree Collective Block Party on March 30, 2017.  It was super fun!  Soul Tree Collective hosted a block party with Black Pride of Austin in the backyard of the Austin Visitor's Multipurpose Center (The Yellow House on 11th Street), just about a half block from Franklin's BBQ. 

Soul Tree Collective’s Dynamic Soul set proved to be a real crowd pleaser.  The crowd was treated to a catered meal, Art, vendors, and health information.  The atmosphere was pleasant and the food was great! 
I know many are glued to the TV this weekend watching the NCAA Final Four basketball series.  Additionally, thousands have traveled to Austin to watch notorious athletes compete in track and field events at the Texas Relays. But, Austin's Urban Music Festival fans really canvased Auditorium Shores in a beautiful way tonight! 
I just witnessed my first concert and it was amazing!  The entire evening threaded into a beautiful nightlight concert that was perfect… not too hot, not too cold- a perfect night!   The stars glittered across the Texas sky and my ears heard enough bass to send your body into an uncontrollable hip swinging wiggle.  To me, this is exactly what Prince meant when he described this familiar phrase, "partying like it was 1999." I saw both the young and young at heart jamming to the opening acts, each act building momentum for the act to follow.   
Music lovers heard several groups tonight.  I overheard from organizers that that several local talented groups were going to ignite the evening.  Everyone did a great job and gave the crowd a triple punch of harmony, tempo, and soul!  
I've got to give you my top 4 for the night! 

Soul Tree Collective's Soul Dynamics did their thing tonight.  They started their set with EnVogue's "Free your mind" and ended it with Tina' Marie's "Square Biz!"  Hands down these talented Youth did their thing and the crowd chimed in with roars of screams, whistles, and claps.  Sending a shout out to Jayden, Joshua, Kameron, Kya, Kylie, Leslie, and Taj. 
LaToya Luckett gave the crowd an enjoyable music assortment of ballads. She also took the time to pose for a picture.  Shout out to Andre and members of his singing group who provided background vocals for Ms. Luckett.
The next artist I enjoyed was, MC Lyte.  MCLyte  got down with the "get down" and helped many fans loosen up.  She rocked the mic until the sun set and soon MC Lyte was the light that kept the crowd moving and grooving.  I'll have to be honest and just say that her music was easy to dance to and I see why people were up on their feet!  She brought the house down!
Lastly, Tony, Toni, Toné brought the house down.  Soul Dynamics got to participate on stage with the best band ever.  If a picture is worth a thousand words, I think this is worth about two thousand.

I must say I really enjoyed how each member took the time to sign autographs and just be totally awesome to their fans.
Well, there you have it Austin Urban Music Festival lovers.    Get ready to dance, move, and groove to with the Soul Tree Collective tonight. That’s What’s UP!

Monday, March 20, 2017

Soul Tree Collective III

Getting to know the “Soul Tree Collective”   
by Melodi Tyson

It’s your girl, Mimi, I have been having an amazing time with members of Soul Tree collective.  I am so excited about the Austin Urban Music Festival.  I can't wait to see The Soul Tree Collective performances!  I know it's going to be amazing!  

 This blog is jam packed with the 4-1-1 about Mr. Homer Hill, the organizer of the Austin Urban Music Festival.   Just a little spoiler... I learned that he is also the original organizer of the Soul Tree Collective. 

Also, I want to introduce you all to the group's lead guitar player,... He was so cool and truly brings a diverse flavor to the group with his jammin' strings from Detroit, MI.  I also learned he has "The Blues" in his blood.  He is truly part of the "Soul" in the Soul Tree Collective.  

Lastly, I interviewed Leslie and photographed her receiving instruction from Austin's very own, "D-Soul."  Yes, he stopped by to support the youth and to offer instruction on how to improve the group's stage presence as a group and individually.   Leslie, who is 14, had some awesome music on her headphones; no county music though.  

Well, let me give you the highlights of my interviews.   

   D-soul and Leslie at the mic.


I truly hear the earth moving under my feet as I approach the practice room doors.  The bass was booming!  Prior to opening the doors, Mista Swift gave me a high five and a thumbs up about my previous blog so, I'm feeling pretty good entering the practice area.  As soon as I open the door, I see Soul Tree Collective moving and grooving.  Onlookers, mostly parents, are checking the group out and tapping their feet and cheering the youth on.  

The next thing we hear is D-Soul giving some pointers about how the performers should move  and show some stage performance type emotion.  He states, "Come on y'all! I really need you to make the audience connect with you... You've gotta feel what you singing.  Make me believe you!  You gotta move into this... make me wanna move with you... let me show you!"  All eyes turn to him and the group is mesmerized and taking notes.  This was a treat for the group because he had a performance later than evening that he was preparing for.  The thing I'm learning about this group is that they are aiming for perfection.  Sending a huge "Thanks"to D-Soul for sharing his time and talents with us!        

On a break I interviewed Mr. Eddie Burns Jr.!  He was amazing and is the guitarist for Soul Tree Collective.   When asked about his inspiration, he said his father, Eddie Burns Sr. (a Blues Guitarist), was his biggest inspiration as well as George Benson and Jonathan Nelson.  He loves music and told me that he actually started out playing in the group by substituting for his son (Eddie III) while he prepared to go to college.  Mr. Burns also shared that he can play the bass and the drums.  He described that the group was kind of like a magnet for him after meeting Mr. Swift.  He's was attracted to the positive energy of Soul Tree Collective.   He also likes the youth mentorship, musician commodore, and performance aspects of the group.  Mr. Burns has been with Soul Tree Collective for several years now and is truly a musician at heart. He's got Soul y'all!

Moving on to my second interview.  Mr. Hill took a couple phone calls in between our interview, but he was so friendly and encouraging to me.   You might know him as the face of Mr. Catfish; whoops, I just made myself hungry. LOL!  Although we did not feast on any vittles during the interview,  he advised that he has helped his nephew with the Mr. Catfish Restaurant for several years.   
Mr. Hill was patient and polite and posed for a picture with me.  


 I might be nine, but I realize that business people have to handle their business.  Mr. Hill is definitely a business man. He told me that it takes about a year to plan the Austin Urban Music Festival.   Prior to the interview, I saw him conduct a meeting, handle phone calls, distribute tickets, and then devote some of his time and attention to me so that I could give you the 4-1-1. 
Lastly, I interviewed the talented Leslie.  

My girl Leslie was rocking the mic prior to our interview and advised that she was in the 8th grade. Leslie told me that she really likes performing as a solo artist and with Soul Tree Collective; she really did not have a performance preference.  In her down time, Leslie can be found playing her favorite games Mine Craft or the Star Wars games.

Okay!  Get ready to dance, move, and groove with the Soul Tree Collective on March 31st and April 1st (2017).  I'm very certain that you will have the best time ever!  That’s What’s UP!   
Love Mimi                                                                                                                                               

Monday, March 6, 2017

Soul Tree Collective II

Getting to know “Mista Swift of Soul Tree Collective.”

by Melodi Tyson

It’s your girl, Mimi, and before I get started I need to say, “Thank you!” to all the fans of Soul Tree Collective!  You guys made this blog a huge success. 

This week we wanted to get a little more behind the scenes with the group.  Every great band has great supporters and those supporters are often our incredible parents.   We’ve got to give our parents a “shout out!” this time. 

Two of the members of Soul Tree Collective, Kylie and Kameron, have the most interesting dad!   I learned that he was even a couple of finger snaps from earning a Grammy nomination!  This is just amazing!  Talk about being gifted.  His pure music enthusiasm is so incredible to me.  Mista Swift absolutely loves music and supports his daughters with their music endeavors. 

I now want to introduce Kylie and Kameron’s Dad by his stage name...  Mista Swift.  This past week I interviewed Mista Swift during a photo session and rehearsal scheduled for Soul Tree Collective.  While it was a busy time for the band, Mr. Swift took the time to talk to me for a few minutes.  A portion of the interview has been included in this blog.  (Thanks Mrs. Angie)    
Mista Swift is one of the lead recruiting members of Soul Tree Collective and he is so committed to helping youth embrace and preserve soul and R&B music. 

I asked Mista Swift how he got interested in Soul Tree Collective and he stated that he was an active participant/parent and kind of assumed responsibility when other organizers left the group.  The way he sounded when talking about the group, made me completely admire Mista Swift and his commitment to music.   

When asked about his musical background he stated that he played several instruments which include, the drums, piano, and he is learning to play the bass.  Mista Swift really enjoys music and I want to let you watch the video to tune into his creative side.

Well, friends it’s time to get ready for the Austin Urban Music Festival.  Remember it’s March 31, 2017 and April 1, 2017.  Get ready to dance, move, and groove to with the Soul Tree Collective. That’s What’s UP!





















Melodi Tyson